About “me”

My personal experience is that finding the right fit can be more impactful than a modality or school of thought. With whom one processes their struggles can deeply impact direction and outcome.

My intention as a coach is to help you, learn how to help yourself, to stand in this world in a stance that is all yours, to be empowered in all domains of mind, body, heart.

I am a mirror to the words, and behaviors of my clients. I help them learn new perspectives and make shifts. Looking in mirrors can be an uncomfortable space. My coaching style offers comfort, assurance, and invites individuals to shift in their professional and relational dynamics differently.

I believe people can only meet others as deep as they’ve met themselves. My personal struggles have been within many domains; including medical, emotional, and mental. For me, coaching has been the hand that’s reached-out, to-me-toward myself; or with support of other coach colleagues in my most challenging circumstances.

What do you say “YES” to, that is really a “YES!” And what needs to be examined as a, “No, thank you.” How do you express your needs?

I bring to the coaching container a depth of personal experience, coaching, accreditation from Georgetown University and certifications with research-based modalities including Leadership Profile 360, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, DiSC, and iEQ9 Enneagram.

My calm presence, capacity for chaos, and perceptive nature brings a sense of steady to a crisis, for the sake of clients finding themselves, nurturing their own well-being, re-centering, and making pivots where their life path may best align with their inherent values.